Wednesday, March 24, 2010

That's Amore

Early last week just as I was setting off from the Office, I was advised to head back to my apartment in a direction opposite of my usual route. I was told to take a ‘short cut’ that climbs up a single steady and steep incline, instead of my slightly longer path that wraps around the hill I live on.

Well, the sun was shining and the birds were singing, so with a sense of amore and ambition in the air, I took heed went. I had just come around a bend to discover a park, and my friends / co volunteers Dan (hailing from Maine, U.S.A.) and Dagmar (from Holland) walking towards me. They too were relinquishing in a spirited fresh air stroll along the hillside, so I invited them to join me on my adventure short cut. (All of the volunteers live with host families in different areas of the city. I am fortunate to live in a n old odd hilly area with views that sneak up on you and a solid daily climb to fend off croissants and cheese.)

We were barely half way to my block, when after turning around to take a few pictures of Dan and Dagmar… I found Tessa. Not only ready with camera in hand but most importantly with friends whom I was able to express my delight and excitement to. I can only imagine having met Tessa all by lonesome and looking around to find no one to share the moment with....

‘When the sun hits your scrawl, of I Love You on the wall…. that’s Ammooorrre.” It was perfect.

P.S. I added a photo taken by the park fountain, of a little boy struck by the spring Amore…

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